Cobie Moses
Taken at Cloud City Vape. St. Charles, MO
Let us start by being serious for a moment, UMSL Students. Most of us know what whippets are. For those who don’t: Whippets are a form of drug from Nitrous Oxide cans. The name comes from canned whipped cream, which has Nitrous Oxide gas. People use canned whipped cream by inhaling the nitrous oxide from the cans, which causes a temporary mental detachment from your body and a change in mood along with perception. This high is more dangerous than marijuana, which has been legal in Missouri since December 2022. The Current isn’t promoting whippets or marijuana. The harsh reality is over fifty percent of young adults eighteen to twenty-five are misusing drugs, according to drug abuse statistics.
We know what you are thinking: just another lecture about how drugs ruin people’s lives, well, yes, Tritons. We need these reminders so those struggling or going down a path know a hidden contract has been signed with every hit taken of a drug.
Flavored Nitrous Oxide cans are becoming vastly popular due to their easy accessibility, and most people are not aware of the fatal side effects. Every hit of a whippet decreases the amount of oxygen sent directly to the brain, increasing the risk of brain damage.
The smarties are thinking: not every hit, to excuse cravings for a short escape, but they’d be wrong. Those motor function impairments might feel fun for now, but they are causing unrepairable damage in the long run. We only have one brain; there are no brain replacements/ transplants.
In most cases, brains do not heal from severe brain damage. Our brains shouldn’t take damage, especially for those whose brains are still developing. We use our brains to learn, read, for critical thinking, driving and motor function. Not only does the lack of oxygen damage the brain, but inhaling chemicals that are depriving the lungs of clean air, could cause lung and heart damage. The lungs, heart and brain are our most essential organs. Any damage to these organs could be fatal. Is the five to 20-minute high worth it?
For all you smarties that like to read between the lines; “could” does not always mean it will. Is that a notion you want to take a chance on when it comes to your brain, heart and lungs? Apple seeds have microamounts of amygdalin, which has cyanide properties. If you eat a certain amount of these seeds, it “could” kill you. Knowing this, are you going to keep eating apple seeds until they kill you just because they “could”? If so, it is fall season and apple spice nitrous oxide cans are most likely coming to a vape store near you.
Whippets are becoming one of the most popular drugs for teens and young adults. In 2018, J.U.U.L. suspended its flavored product line due to the increased use of nicotine products in teens. Flavored whippets have taken J.U.U.L.S.’s place due to its simple use and easy accessibility. Flavored whippets? How could this not be for human consumption if it has flavor? Scented deodorants have an appetizing appeal to them, but are they meant for consumption? Flavored Nitrous oxide’s purpose is to add flavor to liquids like alcohol and coffee by making whipped cream. TikTok, more specifically, user name: superemewhips advertises infusion bottles for cakes, but these nitrous bottles have luxury cars, erotic photos and beach photos on cans.
Miami Magic is a company selling canned whipped cream but at vape stores. Oddly enough, there are no pastries and desserts on the cans. Miami Magic product promotes whipped cream meant for consuming food with no food on the can, but instead a party-like lifestyle. As in the photo for this new article, these cans are sold at vape stores. If you want whipped cream with flavors, your first thought is, “Yes, the vape store.” or “Yes, grocery stores.” They are selling cans like “Exotic Whip” with mouthpieces, as shown in the photo. It is shady that nitrous oxide is selling this luxury lifestyle on a can meant for desserts.
Yes, doctors also use nitrous oxide for anesthesia, also known as laughing gas. Why can they use it on us to sedate us, but we can’t use it for delinquency? Doctors and dentists are trained medical professionals. Medical professionals use Nitrous oxide as an anesthetic. Safely controlled and measured for our use. These medical professionals use flow meters that show how much oxygen and nitrous oxide levels are given to a patient and are very controlled. Flow meters can restrict certain proportions of oxygen and nitrous oxide.
“Most commonly, nitrous oxide is delivered in a 70:30 mix with oxygen”, as Dr. Alai, Alley N described on Medscape.com.
The measurement of nitrous oxide and oxygen is what keeps it a safe anesthesia. What is not safe is putting your mouth on a whip cream can and sucking all the nitrous oxide out. No, sniffing while inhaling it doesn’t make it safe, as there is no measurement between oxygen and nitrous oxide that you are taking in.
The Current is not D.A.R.E.; we cannot tell the readers how to live your life. If you or a loved one is struggling with drugs/alcohol-related problems, you can reach out to Health and Counseling Services. If you’re on-campus, counseling services are located at 131 Millennium Student Center. If you are uncomfortable with using UMSL services, you can call 988 suicide and crisis hotline to speak to someone within seconds of your issues. In case of an overdose or any medical issues from drug-related problems, call 911.
Remember, Tritons, if you see something, say something. The five-to-20-minute high could change the rest of your life forever within seconds. Is it worth risking your health and potentially your life for a quick fix? You may think you look cool doing them, but is it cool when others are left on this planet without you? We could all agree whippets are better off as a cool whip rather than inhaling the nitrous oxide.